A little known loophole that can save you thousands on Health Insurance.

A little known loophole that can save you thousands on Health Insurance.

How an easy-to-use special program can reduce your monthly premiums. Did you know that you can cap your Health Insurance premiums at 8.5% of your income? I recently helped a client who makes $100,000 a year drop his premiums from over $1400 per month to less than $400. It doesn’t matter whether you will be making $50,000 or $150,000 I can help you cut your costs. I can work with business owners as well as contract personnel and working families. There is no cost to you for me to find out what you qualify for. And if you get the benefit, you don’t pay me, the insurance company does. There is never any cost to you.

You will be able to chose from some of Americas largest providers and decide what coverage is best for your family.

You have nothing to lose, but your insurance costs. Contact me today at 615-337-3709 or email me at [email protected]

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